September 10, 2024

How is Nordic Spa Beneficial for Your Health?

The good ol’ Nordic bath circuits is as old as thousands of yours and is deemed a model of relaxation for the Scandinavians. In the old days, the Nordic bath circuit is now integrated in all modern spas. It is considered a top notch treatment for health and well-being. This circuit entails a series of treatments that begin sweating in a sauna then exposing yourself in a cold temperature river or a pool. Then eventually relaxing in an outdoor steam bath. To make the most of this experience, the entire sequence is repeated twice or thrice. Here are a few benefits of spa nordique:

  1. Restores skin elasticity and tone

A Nordic spa circuit is considered a safe and a natural way to attain the healthiest looking skin and retain a youthful radiance. The heat emitted from the sauna and the warm water of the steam bath raises your body temperature, soothes the muscles and dilates the pores. This lets the toxins present in your skin to be flushed out, deeming it a perfect and non-invasive age defying treatment.

  1. Stimulated immune system

When you take a quick full body dip into a cold water pool, your blood vessels contract, your heart rate increases and your blood pressure spikes too. This sequence promotes your white blood cells to produce rapidly and leaving your body energized and your energy supply regenerated.

  1. Soothes and relieves your degenerative conditions

Spending 20 minutes in a steam bath relieves you from the painful symptoms of rheumatism, osteoarthrosis, arthritis, and other degenerative joint diseases. Those who don’t suffer joint pain problems, will notice that the heated water relaxes their muscles and decreases the negative effects of stress as well as enhances the sleep quality too.

  1. Feels similar to aerobic exercise workout

This doesn’t mean entirely skipping on the aerobic workouts, but accomplishing a Nordic spa circuit enhances the bloodstream flow which results in a more efficient metabolism. It provides the same satisfaction when you are done with an aerobic exercise workout on a treadmill or a stationary bike.

  1. Leaves you happy and relaxed

Apart from flushing out toxins from your body and enhancing the blood circulation, a Nordic bath circuit releases the endorphins called the happy hormones. Endorphins enhance the physical condition of a person where they can use the restored energy to live a better quality life.