Interested In Getting Tianeptine Sodium For Depression? Check This Guide!

Tianeptine is a synthetic chemical compound used for treating major depression or related disorders. The drug was first discovered by The French Society of Medical Research in 1960s, and in France, it is used for treating anxiety and depression disorders. FDA has not approved the use of tianeptine sodium for medical use, but it is possible to buy the powder online. Note that there are many websites that have tianeptine sodium in stock, but make sure that you select one that’s reliable and known. Here are some more facts worth knowing.
Beyond depression
Tianeptine is sold in many European countries under different brand names, such as Coaxil, Tatinol, Stablon, Tianeurax, and Salymbra. While it has been used for depression, especially major depression issues, it is also used by nootropic enthusiasts as a cognitive enhancer. There is evidence that patients dealing with Parkinson’s disease may benefit from the drug, while it has been used for treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in many cases. Compared to many prescription drugs, Tianeptine has a similar effect and also has a few advantages over SSRIs, and the side effects are considerably lower. It may have some potential in treatment of IBS. Some studies also indicate that the drug may have mild painkiller effects.
Is Tianeptine sodium safe for use?
Tianeptine is available in form of Tianeptine Sulfate and as Tianeptine Sodium powder. The latter is what you should be seeking. As for use, Tianeptine is considered to be safe, but patients have reported side effects such as euphoria, headache, dizziness, sleep issues, dry mouth and drowsiness. Some patients can have constipation with the drug.
What’s the ideal dose?
Tianeptine sodium powder can be taken in three different doses of 12.5 mg. Please note that this is a potential drug that will interact with the brain and can have side effects that can be severe. Do not use this as a means of achieving euphoria.
Final word
Tianeptine sodium powder is available online for sale, but is a good idea to consider all possible aspects before taking a call. The drug must be used safely and as intended, and if you are nootropic enthusiast reading this, do your homework before you use this for mood related disorders or to improve cognitive function. There are detailed studies online that can offer insight on how Tianeptine sodium powder works in the body and the effects it may have.