January 18, 2025

Wisdom Teeth Extraction for Improved Oral Health and Wellness 

Teeth Extraction for Improved Oral Health and Wellness 

Extractions can be daunting and instill a feeling of fear and anxiety in you. This can be even more distressing if it involves wisdom teeth. Also known as third molars, they are your last set of adult teeth erupting in the oral cavity around the ages of 17 and 25. Most often they may require removal to prevent pain, infection, and other oral health problems. 

Wisdom teeth extractions offered by our renowned dentist in Bessemer City, NC, provide relief from painful symptoms of the third molars, especially if they are impacted or badly decayed. 

A guide to wisdom tooth extractions

Wisdom tooth extractions are dental procedures that involve the removal of third molars. Extractions are often recommended when your affected tooth cannot be restored through other dental procedures like fillings or root canal therapy. Furthermore, extractions greatly relieve you from all the painful symptoms.

Indications for wisdom tooth extraction

A wisdom tooth may need to be removed for one of the following reasons:

  • Tooth decay
  • Repeated or serious infection of the gum
  • A wisdom tooth that erupts too far and damages the cheek or gums
  • A wisdom tooth that may be impacted (partially or fully trapped in your gums or alveolar bone), causing severe pain and pressure
  • You may require any jaw surgery to move it forward or backward
  • Your tooth may have erupted in an unfavorable position that makes brushing and flossing challenging
  • During orthodontic treatment, you may require space to move other teeth backward
  • You may have a cyst (fluid-filled sac) near or around your tooth or other jaw problems
  • Your tooth may be in the line of a jaw fracture

The procedure involved in wisdom tooth extractions 

Your dentist will first suggest a dental X-ray to evaluate the third molar that requires extraction. This helps to assess the tooth morphology and rule out other pathologies like abscesses or cysts. 

The procedure is as follows:

  • Your dentist will administer local anesthetic to numb your teeth and gums for minimal pain and discomfort. 
  • If the wisdom tooth is not completely erupted, an incision on your gums may be required to expose it.
  • The tooth will be carefully loosened and lifted from the socket (tooth sectioning may be helpful for easy removal)
  • The extraction site will then be irrigated to ensure there is no residue or debris in the socket.
  • If required, your dentist may suture the extraction socket for faster healing and quick recovery. 
  • A sterile gauze will be placed and kept for a few hours to promote the formation of blood clots and arrest bleeding.

An infected, damaged, or impacted wisdom tooth can lead to painful symptoms if left untreated. Thus, getting them removed is the best course of action!